
Holistic Yoga

Because everyone is different, as simple as that 🙂 We are all born in a different environment, from different cultures, different backgrounds, with different body capacities, different…everything. After studying classic Hatha Yoga, I have decided to go a bit deeper and found that yoga can help on so many other levels : it can help to release our fascias, help our Qi to circulate better through our meridians and also help us to balance our different doshas.

Through TCM yoga (Traditional Chinese Medicine applied to yoga), Ayuryoga (Ayurveda applied to yoga), and Miofascial yoga, I discovered new ways of finding balance in mind, body and spirit.

Ayurveda Lifestyle

We all have our own unique needs, depending on our environment, work, background, age… and truth is, what works for you, may not work for me, your friends, your family. At the end of the day, you know your body and life better than anyone else. This is what holistic means, a lifestyle that will nourish you as a whole.


Just like Thich Nhat Hanh said: “In the Sangha there is a powerful collective energy of mindfulness and concentration. It can help us make a breakthrough; it ignites our insight. You don’t need to be exactly like others, you just need to be yourself.”

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I grew up in France within two cultures, my mum is French and my dad – Vietnamese. Since childhood, I have always been interested in spirituality, meditation and everything related to it. My curiosity brought me to my first yoga class at 12 years old…But decided at that time that I wasn’t ready for it.  Before getting back into yoga, I practiced diverse activities such as dancing, singing, Taekwondo and acting classes.When I was 16, I turned to Reiki to heal my recurrent stomach pain and had my initiation Level 1. From that moment, I got convinced that energy was all around us, in all beings everywhere.  In 2015, I decided to study NLP to understand what is really happening inside our minds. Since then, I have developed a real passion for the mind/body connection. From 2011, I started to practice yoga regularly in London and got more and more into it.

I started to try different yoga types and in different countries. But yoga became an essential part of my life when I moved to Dubai in 2013. From the hectic party lifestyle and its materialistic side, I turned slowly to spirituality, well-being and peace.

Through increasing my yoga practice weekly to almost daily I started to feel a major shift: I was feeling more grounded, physically and mentally stronger, and above all, I found my inner self. It is in 2018 that I accomplished my 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Dubai. I decided to start teaching straight away and was thrilled to start the collaboration with Zen Yoga – one of the first and highly rated yoga studios in Dubai. Within a month I grew the number of classes that I covered from a couple of sessions a week to permanent teacher  Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga, Hatha Beginners & private classes. In December 2019, I decided to go to India to follow 100 hours of Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Training with the yoga school Shree Hari Yoga in Gokarna.

In 2020, I moved to Barcelona for a job opportunity in Sales, in the hotel industry… and Covid 19 decided to take me to a totally different path. As I couldn’t work anymore, I decided to go back to study yoga philosophy and asanas from home. I spent the next couple of months reading, studying, teaching online yoga and it became clearer and clearer than I was done with the corporate world. I felt the need to nourish my soul, body and spirit, a calling that I have been ignoring for long. In August 2020, I came to Canary Island for 3 weeks of holiday… And I am still here, teaching in different yoga schools, mainly Hatha, Vinyasa and Yin Yoga.

In 2022, I got an additional 300 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Holistic Yoga with TCM yoga (Traditional Chinese Medicine), Ayuryoga and Yoga Miofascial with Helena Chacon Munoz, co-director of Yoga Kula Spain.

Besides this, I have been working in hospitality sales & events in different cities in France and the UK and then Dubai and Barcelona.

I believe yoga is much more than a physical practice, it is a process of self-observation, self-regulation and transcendence.

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Holistic Yoga With Audrey

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