Understanding The Holistic Life


First of all, I am here to support and help you reach your goals in achieving a balanced lifestyle which brings you energy, happiness and overall well being. We are all different and need different resources to bring us back to balance.  What can work for you may not work for me or your friends and your family and everything is all good. I am here to support you with different tools in order to help you get to where you want to be. My sessions will be personalized and integrative from all facets of wellbeing (emotional, physical, mental and spiritual).


60-minute 1-to-1 online Ayurvedic Consultation
501 Ayurvedic Consultation
  • Ayurveda test to know your body constitution
  • Learning and applying healthy techniques for your body constitution
2754 Weeks Coaching Program Valid For One Month
  • Free Ayurvedic Consultation
  • Assessment to create personalized wellness plan
  • Four weekly 1 hour coaching session via Skype/Zoom
  • Learning and applying healthy techniques including diet and yoga
Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.– The Bhagavad Gita